See the rest here. 🙂
Photo booth fun
See the rest here. 🙂
See the rest here. 🙂
So yesterday, Rand and I spent the day at Darien Lake. It had probably been ten years since I’d been on a roller coaster, and I *heart* roller coasters. 🙂
Yesterday was the perfect day to go. It wasn’t too hot, and the park wasn’t very crowded.
The first thing we rode was the Ride of Steel.
Exceeding speeds of 70 mph, it climbs a 208-foot lift hill, and then comes screaming down – at a 70 degree angle!
I have to say, this might not have been the best thing for me to start with. As we climbed up the first hill, I got increasingly nervous. I closed my eyes on the way down. I really thought I might die. 😉
Perhaps I should have started with the Viper? The Viper, incidentally, is the first rollercoaster I ever went on. My girl scout troop went to Darien Lake when I was 11 or 12. I was a little nervous, but I ended up riding it multiple times that day.
We did ride the Viper, which was good, but sort of a let-down after the Ride of Steel. 😉
For me, though, the winner of the day was the Mind Eraser. I’d never been on a suspended coaster before, and wow, was it fun. Rand told me I “giggled like a schoolgirl” the entire time. I think part of the thrill is not being able to see what was coming.
We did some other rides, of course, but the coasters are always the highlights for me. We also played a few games and ate a bunch of food that was bad for us.
Before we left, Jen told me to take lots of pictures…well, I did bring the camera, but at the last minute, I decided not to bring my purse into the park. I wouldn’t have been able to take it on most of the rides, and I don’t like leaving it behind while I’m riding.
We did duck into a photo booth right before we left, though. I’ll try and get those scanned soon. 🙂
I took my little to Niagara Falls today. It was hot. Will write more about it later, but for now, there are some photos up at flickr.
(PS…I looked like crap.)
Went to see Brian’s Subversations at Squeaky Wheel last night. It was most excellent.
Here’s a review posted at Infringe THIS!
And wait! There’s more! Brian’s got another entry in the festival, this one a musical venture. He’ll be performing again tonight at Squeaky Wheel. Read more about it here.
David at Fix Buffalo sends a heads up about the Pine Grill Jazz Reunion, taking place this Sunday and next in MLK Park…4-9pm… Read more.
In personal news, I’ve just been offered some adjunct work at another college. I also had an interview with a local school district earlier this week, which I should hear about either way by Monday.
Someone is weed-whacking outside the apartment window, and it’s driving me insane.
Ummm….tomorrow, Lowest of the Low plays the Canal Concert Series in North Tonawanda. It starts at 5:30, but there are *three* bands playing before the Low.
I’m gonna go try and be productive or something. Happy Friday! 🙂
This is going to be primarily photo-based.
As I mentioned, Greg Klyma and Tom Bianchi played Sunday night at Nietzsche’s. (side note…I ALWAYS forget the S in Nietzsche’s)
Greg is a native Buffalonian who relocated to Austin a few years ago. He describes himself as country-folk-rock or Americana. He’s an incredibly talented musician and songwriter, not to mention an extremely entertaining storyteller. He always puts on a good show, and plays in Buffalo several times a year.
Tom is a fantastic bass player who lives in Boston. His music is fun and witty, and he’s amazing to watch.
The guys pulled Rand up to sing backup on a couple of Greg’s tunes, and also to perform Ookla’s PM Prima Donna, which is always a crowd pleaser.
Unfortunately, Rand and I did not stay until the end of the show…I have to get up too early to teach writing on Monday mornings, so we left at around 11:30. What we saw, though, was great, and I’m looking forward to the next time I get to see these guys in action.
I hope to see you there, too! 🙂
I think I’ll have to cross-post this at the 27 blog, even though it’s not technically a sighting, but Ben Folds just became my 27th friend on myspace. That’s gotta mean something.
(today’s Foxtrot, by Bill Amend)
I laughed out loud.
I forgot it was the Ides of March until I heard it mentioned on NPR this morning.
I met X on the Ides of March. I should have known it would end disastrously… 😉
So what was #1 the day I was born?
“The Night Chicago Died” by Paper Lace
and what hit the charts (and stayed) a week later?
(You’re) Having My Baby” by Paul Anka with Odia Coates
Hmmm…the year I turned 10, it was Ghostbusters. The year I graduated, End of the Road (Boyz II Men). OOH…and the year I graduated from college? Macarena.
I have a sucky birthday for music.
(via Jen)
Jen’s got some photos posted from the Arrested Development party. It was a come-in-character party..I don’t know if you can tell from the photo, but I went as Lucille II. (Rand was the never-seen Frightened Inmate #2)
Dayna was a most excellent Kitty, and, well, Mark sacrificed his facial hair to the cause to become eerily Tobias-like. 😉
Brian was the hit of the party with his Bluth bananas, which sadly were not captured on film. They were mighty tasty.
Saturday night, Jen, Rachel, Brian and I went to see the Ron Hawkins Acoustic Revue at the Karpeles Manuscript Museum and Library. Buffalo Rising has a post (and slide show) of the event.
Music is one of the truly great things about Buffalo…great local music, of course, but also all of the fantastic music from across the border. I’m so glad Jen brought me to Buffalo so I could experience it for myself!
Despite Ron’s cold, it was a great show! The museum (which I had never been in before) made a wonderful concert spot.
Know what I don’t understand, though? I don’t understand why so many people pay good money to go to a concert and then proceed to talk through the whole thing. There was a guy behind us who I don’t think shut up the whole time we were there.
You can read Jen’s account of the show here.