TV time

Continuing to love Dirty Sexy Money. Here’s a weird observation…Peter Krause has been in three television shows. On Sports Night, he was recently divorced from a woman named Lisa. On Six Feet Under, he had a child with and married a woman named Lisa. On Dirty Sexy Money, his wife’s name is…wait for it…Lisa.

Weird, right?

And I still adore Chuck. 🙂

Have not yet watched last week’s Reaper. We did watch the first episode of Pushing Daisies. I liked it. I’m not sure I loved it. I’m also not sure it’ll last the month. 😉

It has made me want to pull out the Wonderfalls DVDs. I adored that show.

And Heroes! Yay! Although I’m still waiting for Kristen Bell to make her appearance…

It’s not Wednesday…

And I’d really like to know why.

It feels like a Wednesday.

Tonight is yoga (yay!) and grading (boo!). Oh, and also getting the Toasted Cheese newsletter out. Bad editor.

Watched last night’s Chuck, and I continue to enjoy. Haven’t watched Heroes yet, but I saw Kristen Bell on the cover of this week’s TV Guide with Hayden Panettiere and Ali Larter. Whoo!

I ordered my dress on Saturday. It’s pretty early, but I wanted to get in while the shop was still having the sale. The shop I ordered from is Bauer’s Brides and Belles in Wilcox, PA. They were very nice to me, and I’m happy to give them my business.

And that’ll do it for me. Later!

I’m Casey McCall, alongside Dan Rydell…

So, Rand and I have been watching Sports Night on DVD. Approximately 7 people watched Sports Night when it originally aired on ABC, and I was one of them. I don’t know what made me watch it, really. I probably caught the beginning of an episode by accident, because the premise (behind the scenes at a Sportscenter-type sports show?) didn’t exactly call out to me.

But watch, I did, and I loved every minute of it. I’ve been wondering what the rest of the cast has gotten up to…I mean, Felicity Huffman is busy being a Desperate Housewife, but I haven’t seen the lovely and charming Sabrina Lloyd in anything since Ed. (a quick trip to IMDb tells me that she’s been on Numb3rs, but I’ve never seen that…and apparently, Joshua Malina’s been spotted there as well.) Josh Charles did some episodes of Six Degrees, but I’ve never seen that either.

And then, of course, there’s Peter Krause. Peter Krause was great on Six Feet Under, of course. And now he’s starring in this season’s Dirty Sexy Money. Rand heard good things about that show, and so we recorded the pilot. I didn’t want to like it.

But guess what? I liked it. I’m on board. The pilot was very well done–introducing a large cast, providing all the necessary background, and introducing the mystery that’s going to drive the show. Good stuff.

I also watched the pilot episodes of Chuck and Reaper, both of which were a lot of fun. Chuck is like a cross between Alias and…um…something funny. Reaper is like “what if Xander from Buffy got his own show.”

Good Lord, that’s a lot of TV! What are you watching? What are you excited about??

Hope you’re all having a good weekend.

Random thoughts for a Wednesday

  • If you could direct some good vibes/positive energy in Rand’s general direction today, we’d appreciate it. Thanks! 🙂
  • For the past few weeks, Tuesday has become cheesy TV night at our place. America’s Got Talent, Beauty and the Geek, The Singing Bee. Last night, I was disappointed because the Singing Bee was on *after* the TWO HOUR finale of America’s Got Talent. I thought American Idol had the market cornered on milking an episode…anyway. I was rooting for Cas Haley, so bummer. (we’ve only caught about the last 4 episodes…) I found the “audition all stars” bit funny, especially the pogo stick guy, for some reason.
  • Beauty and the Geek amuses me. Of the girls, Jennylee seems to be the least vapid and most sincere. Cecile seems like someone I would never, ever want to know in real life. Ugh. I’m not sure if I have a favorite of the guys that are left…I think they’re all cute. 🙂
  • And The Singing Bee–what great fun! I ended up recording the 1-hour episode last night for later viewing. (as it turns out, I could have stayed up and watched it. I had trouble falling asleep.)
  • I have to go get a physical for work later this morning. Whee! Any teachers out there, feel free to send any advice my way. I’m a bit nervous about the beginning of school!
  • I have about a week’s worth of grading to do in the next, oh, day and a half. Lucky me.

Weekend update

Got my hair cut. I’m going to try and get some decent pictures up later. I went to Samantha’s stylist, and she was wonderful!

I didn’t get anything major done to the length or style–the first thing the stylist said to me was “Oh, I love this cut on you!” So, we just did some shaping and molding, and I really love the way it looks now. She also colored it, and I think the color looks great. Then she offered to do my brows, and since I was planning on getting them done soon anyway, I agreed. She was a pro at this, too–it was a quick and relatively painless experience.

And the best part was that it was very reasonably priced. Yay!

Thanks to everyone who commented and voted in my poll.

We saw Ratatouille over the weekend, which was great fun. The moment when Ego the restaurant critic (voiced by Peter O’Toole) eats the ratatouille takes the movie from “fun” to “brilliant.” Really. I got a little misty…

Speaking of misty, we finished watching Season 5 of Scrubs, and I cried a lot.

We also attended a graduation party for one of Rand’s cousins. It was nice, except that my allergies were in full flare-up. Ick.

So, that’s me. Hope you all had a lovely weekend. Happy Monday!

Reading, watching, listening

I’m going to try and keep this brief–there’s a lot!

Reading: Lisey’s Story by Stephen King. Loved it. My favorite King in a long time. Elsewhere (YA), which I will post on the other blog soon. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus vol. 1, My Faith in Frankie, Bloom County collected strips, Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men (not very astonished so far, Joss…). The Android’s Dream by John Scalzi (fun read). The first book in Of Darkness, Light and Fire by Tanya Huff (Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light).

This puts me at about 40 books for the year so far. I’m probably missing stuff, but moving on…

Watching: My Name is Earl, Season 1. I had watched an episode here and there, and found it amusing but didn’t quite “get” it. Watching the entire first season from the beginning, though…yeah, I get it. 🙂

Entourage, Season 1.  Oh, my. I hate these guys so much. But Ari is funny, and Eric seems like a good guy. Even Drama begins to grow on me. (Turtle, however? Needs to be slapped.)

Remember the Titans. One of those movies that teachers are fond of showing in class, so I had seen the same 40 minutes of it several times. I finally sat down and watched the whole thing. I liked it. It’s what you’d expect from a Disney sports movie. Little Hayden Panettiere was great in it!

Knocked Up. Very cute. Very funny. And I admit, I fall into the half of women who would think the empty box proposal was cute rather than lame.

We just started watching season 5 of Scrubs. We’d caught a bunch of the episodes in syndication, and are finding that a lot of really funny scenes were cut. Here’s one that made me laugh:

Carla: …and then he walked away singing Safety Dance.

Elliot: I thought you learned your lesson that time you told him the Kommissar was in town.

Hee. I know there’s more here, but again…moving on…

Listening: Seanan McGuire, Stars Fall Home. As I said, Seanan is a brilliant songwriter. I’ve been enjoying this quite a bit.

Steve Martin, Pure Drivel. If it’s an audiobook, does it count as reading or listening? Hmmm…

Jill Sobule, Pink Pearl.

My “favorites” and “walking” lists on my iPod, and my “Great Big Sea radio” station on Pandora.

Goodbye, Studio 60

Well, I watched the final episode of Studio 60 last night.

Anyone who reads this blog knows that I love Aaron Sorkin. Love, love, love. I wept and gnashed my teeth when Sports Night was canceled.  I adored The West Wing, and even kept watching after Sorkin’s departure, because I couldn’t bear to walk away from the characters and world he had created.

Studio 60 started out brilliantly. The pilot was fantastic, and I could not wait for the season to begin. Bradley Whitford and Matthew Perry were great together as Danny and Matt.

The show, unfortunately, started to meander and lose its way. Was it a Very Serious Drama? Was it a comedy? It was hard to tell, and I don’t think Sorkin’s other shows suffered from this awkward tone problem. Both had a fine balance of humor and seriousness that Studio 60 never seemed to find.

When Studio 60 was good, it was really, really good. When it wasn’t though…well, it really, really wasn’t. I thought The Christmas Show was outstanding. I thought the one where Danny and Jordan got stuck on the roof was dreadful.

I’ve loved these last few episodes, though, and the finale made me cry multiple times. The finale reminded me why I love Mr. Sorkin so. Were things tied up a little too neatly? Well, yeah, but I can forgive that. Leave it to Aaron Sorkin to leave me desperately missing a show I was feeling “meh” about not all that long ago.

So goodbye, Studio 60.  You weren’t perfect, but you will be missed.

I’m not dead yet!

Well, friends…it looks like the Save Veronica front is still alive and well! The folks at Ain’t It Cool News have put together this plea.

There’s an online petition, snail mail addresses of CW execs, a “Bars for Mars” campaign…and lots of other stuff.

I don’t think I need to talk any more about how much I love this show. I love this show. I’d love to see it get another season, even if it’s the future-set, retooled, Veronica goes to the FBI thing.

Help Save Veronica!

You can’t take the sky from me

Okay, so here’s the story.

I was a fan of Buffy/Angel. I got into Buffy late, but with some coaching from my dear friend Stephanie, I was able to catch up. I watched Buffy faithfully through to the end, but missed the last season of Angel (scheduling conflicts).

I’d heard all the buzz about Joss Whedon’s new show, Firefly, but never did get the chance to see it when it was on the air. Partially because, as we all know, it didn’t last long, and partially because the premise didn’t sound all that appealing to me. (A Space Western? Really? Hmmm…)

Well, I finally watched it, and I’m SO glad I did. It seemed like everywhere we went, someone was telling Rand and me that we had to watch Firefly and we had to do it now. Recently, the series was selling on Amazon for cheap, so we picked it up. And since our regular season shows were dying down, we found the time to watch.

Spoilers may follow. Proceed at your own risk. 😉

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