Weekend wrap-up (short version)

A longer version with photos will appear…well, sometime. 😉 Photos have been dumped from my camera to the computer, but have not made it online just yet.

The short version is this…busy weekend. Lots of fun. Very tired. Back to work.

Speaking of work, I’m down to my last two weeks as a full-timer. Very strange.

Coupla quick highlights:

  • Meeting Jeff and Maya Bonhoff. They are excellent people.
  • Singing. OMG, yes, I did.
  • Getting my photo taken with Peter S. Beagle, author of (among other things) The Last Unicorn.
  • Yoga
  • Dancing
  • Many hugs and friendly faces.

And I have work to do, so that’ll be it for now. More when I get the photos uploaded. Happy Monday!

Wedding Wednesday–the blogs

I have a love-hate relationship with wedding blogs. Well, it’s mostly hate, but for some strange reason, I cannot seem to look away.

I don’t even read that many of them…I saved a couple in Bloglines so that I could come back to them every now and then. Every once in a while, I see something cute or clever or fun, which is apparently enough to keep me coming back.

Mostly though, they’re just symptoms of this all-pervasive bride culture I’ve complained about before. Girls going on and on and on about their dream weddings and dream photographers and dream cakes and so on. Making it seem as if it’s altogether reasonable to spend $200 on shoes. (I guess for some people $200 for shoes is entirely reasonable. I am not one of those people…)

*Speaking of shoes, I was recently chided for not updating the masses on my shoe decision. That would be because there hasn’t been a shoe decision.  I didn’t send the Skechers back. I’ve decided that I’ll wait and see how they look with the dress, and if I don’t end up wearing them, I’ll just have a cute pair of summery shoes.

Anyway, some of the things that bridey bride brides agonize over just make me roll my eyes. Shall I (gasp!) print my envelopes, or must I hand address? Who cares? I’m of the “do what makes you happy” camp (unless, of course, what makes you happy is being a bridezilla and making everyone you love hate you). I suppose there are etiquette sticklers who do care, but really…have you ever changed your opinion of someone because of the way their wedding invitation was addressed? I know I haven’t…and what’s more, if anyone I knew changed their opinion of ME over something so trivial, well, I’d kind of prefer they stayed home anyway.

And that’s all I have to say about that.

I have lots of bloggy catching up to do…and I will get to it, eventually. I want to write about some of my Christmas loot, and some of the crafty things I did, and New Year’s Eve. I hope you all were able to ring in the new year in a way that made you happy. I know I did!

(pssst…guess what? We’re getting married this year! Whee!) 

Reading, watching, listening (Happy New Year edition!)

Reading: This has been fairly well covered, but I did sneak in one more (short) book in the past few days–Abadazad-The Road to Inconcievable by JM DeMatteis and Mike Ploog. It’s the first in a series, and I found it very enjoyable.

Watching: It’s been a busy week!

In the theater: Juno, Charlie Wilson’s War, and Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. Three very different movies, but I enjoyed them all.

I adored Juno. Precious? Yes, but also smart and funny and very well done. I loved the cast. I first encountered screenwriter Diablo Cody through Eden’s blog, and I was a semi-regular reader of her blog for a while.

I have three words to say about Charlie Wilson’s War–Philip. Seymour. Hoffman. He was fantastic. The story was interesting, and I was entertained by the type of dialog I’ve come to expect from Aaron Sorkin. Rand and I both noted, though, that it wasn’t particularly dramatic…the story had very little drama or tension. Tom Hanks was likable as the title character (duh), and Julia Roberts did a fine job in her role as well.

And Walk Hard was simply hilarious. The songs (many of which were written by Dan Bern) were great. In fact, we downloaded the complete soundtrack from iTunes. The cast was great, too.

What else? Slums of Beverly Hills, season 1 of Buffy (not quite finished), more season 2 of Earl, random episodes of The Office, Styx: Caught in the Act (HEE! awesome.), random bits of various New Year’s Eve countdowns. Probably some other stuff that I’ve forgotten…

Listening: Walk Hard, the soundtrack. Styx (discovering some songs that I didn’t previously know…). Looking forward to listening to some of the CDs that I got for Christmas, including Veronica Mars (whee! thanks, Stephanie!!) and the mix I got from Samantha.

Happy 2008, everyone!

Reading, watching, listening (Christmas eve edition)

It’s been a very busy few days, and will continue to be busy. I expect posting will be sparse this week. In the meantime, here’s the reading, watching, listening post I actually started on Friday.

Reading: Starman (ongoing). Just Listen, by Sara Dessen. I love, love, loved this book. I may write an extended review for my book blog, where I have not posted in months.

Watching: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (original TV special, NOT the movie), Elf (with my kids at school, so I essentially watched it four times. I had never seen it before. Really, really funny…), more Season 5 Simpsons, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Rand and I have begun watching the DVDs. I’ve seen most of them. He has not…), Mystery Men.

Listening: Greg Klyma and Ookla the Mok (the show at Madame Mocha’s was tons of fun, really.); Christmas music; Hawksley Workman; Larry Miller: Spoiled Rotten America.

And that’s all I have time for right now…enjoy your day!

Thursday Thoughts

First off, a big happy birthday shout-out to Eden!

Right now, the big thought on my mind is “one more day until break!” I so need this…time to regroup and recharge. This week hasn’t actually been bad. I had an observation earlier in the week, and I think it went really well.

I had a bunch of other things I was going to talk about, but my brain is moving into shutdown mode. I skipped “Wedding Wednesday” this week, because seriously? Who can think about weddings this close to Christmas? (er, I’m sure the answer is “lots of people.” Just not me!)

Don’t forget…this Saturday, you can see Greg Klyma with special guests Ookla the Mok at Madame Mocha’s on Lovejoy! (contact me for more info)

Weekend wrap-up

Grades are done! Whew!

Apart from the grading, this past weekend was fairly mellow. Friday night, Rand and I went out for dinner at Danny’s on Genesee Street. We like Danny’s. It’s comfortable and homey and they make really good food. I had an excellent fish fry.

Saturday, we met up with Dave Huth and another friend from Houghton–they had come to Buffalo to do some errands and we met them for a long lunch at taste of India. They all had the buffet, but I went with the Chicken Muglai. Unfortunately, I don’t think I got what I ordered. It wasn’t bad, but it just didn’t taste right.

When I wasn’t grading, I was working on various crafty projects (some of them are Christmas presents–shhh!) and even doing a tiny bit of baking:

toffee bar cookies

I went in search of a recipe using Heath bits, which I bought last time I went shopping. I found this. I thought, that sounds good, but I think it needs some chocolate. So I melted chocolate chips and spread them over the top while they were still hot. (drizzling proved to be unproductive.) I have to say, they’re quite tasty, and really easy!


Recipe By : RADIS BGMB90B
Serving Size : 48 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Bar cookies

1 cup Butter
1 cup Brown sugar
1 Egg yolk
1 teaspoon Vanilla
2 cups Flour
1 package Heath bits — (6 oz) divided
1/2 cup Pecans — finely chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. With mixer, cream butter well; blend in sugar, egg yolk and vanilla. By hand mix in flour, 2/3 cup Heath bits and nuts. Press into ungreased 15 1/2 x 10 1/2 ” jelly roll pan. Bake 18 to 20 minutes, or until lightly browned. Remove from oven and immediately sprinkle remaining Heath Bits over top. Cool slightly but cut while still warm.

I got my grades done and entered yesterday, so yay. I also got all but one last batch of Christmas cards out…the rest will go out tomorrow. I ran out of stamps. 😉

Happy 6-days-till-Christmas everyone!

Weekend wrap-up postponed

The weekend wrap-up has been postponed due to snow.

No? Okay, how about this…the weekend-wrap-up has been postponed until Erin finishes her grading. It’ll be here soon, I promise. 😉

Hope you all had a lovely weekend, and that those of you in the path of the storm (which was like half the country, wasn’t it?) didn’t suffer too horribly.  Later!

Reading, watching, listening

We now interrupt the relentless snow for a report of what Erin’s been up to:

Reading: Essays, journals, portfolios. A little bit of Starman by James Robinson, art by Tony Harris. More essays. 8th grade research paper outlines. It’ll break soon…

Watching: Bits of season 5 of The Simpsons. It’s funny…I’ll often grumble about watching The Simpsons (again), but I always laugh. I especially love watching the physical Homer stuff. For whatever reason, Homer getting injured is funny.

We also watched the last new episode of 30 Rock. Rand and I are both busy grading right now, so we’ll just take short breaks to watch something funny, then go back to it.

We have a mile-long list of movies we want to watch once we make it through the end of the semester. Here are some of them, in no particular order (some are more important to him, and others are more important to me):

Juno, The Darjeeling Limited, Sweeney Todd, The Mist, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, Enchanted, Charlie Wilson’s War, Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead, No Country for Old Men, Into the Wild.
Also, some things I want to see on DVD: Once, Waitress, Hairspray…uh, I’m sure there’s more, but I can’t remember right now.

And one more–I am excited beyond words for the film version of Mamma Mia! It doesn’t open until next July, but I just watched the trailer and nearly wept with joy. (I saw the stage version–twice!)

Listening: Almost a Full Moon, Hawksley Workman. Currently hearing in the background: Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.

Friday Photo

Plus Weekend Wrap-up, Part 2…

low show

That is, sadly enough, the best photo I got at the Lowest of the Low concert last weekend. Rand, John and I got to Club Infinity early (before the doors opened) so that we could secure a spot at one of the “tables” along the walls. Unfortunately for us, the stools had been removed so as to pack more people into the space. Sigh.

I decided to stand behind Rand and John–between the “tables” and the wall–because the floor was about six inches higher there. That didn’t last. As more and more people began to crowd into the club, I felt more uncomfortable where I was standing. “Concert” and “Personal space” are not words that seem to go together.

There were two opening acts. The first was a local band that didn’t impress me all that much. The second was the Marble Index, a three-piece from Hamilton, Ontario, whom I’ve seen open for the Low before. I enjoyed them more last Saturday than I have in the past. They did a great job of setting the crowd up for the main act, and didn’t overstay their welcome.

As the concert began, this became my view:

my view

Sigh. Soon after, I decided to sit up on the wood half-countertop thing that edged the “table” area. I figured there were too many people there for anyone to come and yell at me.

They opened with “A Casual Overdose” from Sordid Fiction, which I thought was an odd choice. A little while later in the set, they played “The Last Recidivist,” which I thought would have been a better opener.

I really don’t have the set list memorized, but I can say they played many favorites from Shakespeare My Butt. In addition to other songs from Hallucigenia and Sordid Fiction, they played several songs from Stephen Stanley’s upcoming solo album, and several from Ron Hawkins’ current solo album (which was NOT being sold at the show. Grr.).

For their second encore, the guys played “Letter from Bilbao” and then finished up with “Rosy and Grey,” both of which brought a little tear to my eye. (People were yelling for “Rosy and Grey” WAY too early on in the evening. I wanted to shout, “People, you don’t really think they’ll leave without playing it, do you? DO YOU?”)

I feel like I’ve sort of come full-circle with my Lowest of the Low experience…I was there for their reunion show at the Tralf (with Jen, Rachel, and another friend with whom we’ve sadly lost touch) in 2000, and there for their farewell show. It was strange being there without Jen…as many times as I’ve seen the Low over the years (I’ve lost count), I think this is the first one I went to without her. (she couldn’t be there because of other commitments…) Jen, I missed you!

And while this will be the last we see of Lowest of the Low (forever? who knows…), I’m sure it won’t be the last we see of Ron Hawkins, Stephen Stanley, Lawrence Nichols, David Alexander, and Dylan Parker. At any rate, I’ll bid a fond farewell to the band that’s been the source of many happy memories for me over the past seven years–the good times with friends, the road trips to Hamilton and Toronto and Fredonia, meeting the band at Spot Coffee, the great music, and at least in a small way, bringing Rand and me together.

Thanks for everything guys.

And I’ll say, “goodbye, I love you.
‘Cause it’s time that I should go

Some Thursday Thoughts (sort of)

Really, though…they’re more “things” (apologies to Hilary).

I love this post at Will Write For Chocolate–Holiday Gifts for Writers. It is indeed full of awesome gift ideas.

I just collected portfolios from my college students, so that will be keeping me busy for the next several days. The fun is nonstop. 😉

There was something else, but I’ve already forgotten. Oh well.

I still need to post about the concert last weekend. That’ll be coming soon…until then, happy almost-weekend!