Among other things, like laundry and cleaning, I spent some time this weekend futzing around with the book blog. New template, using the default “book” header image until I come up with something better. I’m having a hard time getting the links to play nice (for some reason, they won’t divide into link categories. Is it just a problem with the template, or is there a way to fix it?), but otherwise, I’m pretty happy with the template.
I think the blog needs a new name, since I’m going for a YA focus. Unfortunately, I’m notoriously bad at naming things. Suggestions would be most welcome.
I finished reading Hey Nostradamus, but I’m not going to write about it until after the book club meeting. I also finished Anatomy of a Boyfriend (link to my review on the book blog). And of course, I read Eden’s manuscript. I should have been doing more working and less reading, but I couldn’t help myself… 😉
I continue to plug along with Project 365. I may not always post the photos on my blog, but they’ll always be there in my flickr set.
And finally, a big congratulations to my friends Mary and Rob, who welcomed a baby boy into the world last Thursday night!
Okay, I’ve got work to do. Happy Monday!