Tuesday Tidbits

  • Last night’s episode of Heroes was pretty good, but I must say I am disappointed in Peter. How gullible can he be? Gah. Kristin has the scoop on what’s to come…sort of. (no real spoilers). I SO want Elle (Kristen Bell) to turn against her creepy father and join our Heroes. I heart her. I don’t want her to be bad. 🙁
  • I have just now remembered two things I left out of my last Reading, Watching, Listening post–at school, I watched The Devil’s Arithmetic (based on the book of the same title) with the kids. I thought it was great–very well done, harrowing without being too graphic. Also, 1408. Stephen King! John Cusack! I liked it. I didn’t *love* it, but I liked it.
  • And, some sad news…Lowest of the Low is saying goodbye. I’m planning on being at the show at Club Infinity next weekend (now a farewell show…). Who else is going to be there? In a way, I’ve been a very, very lucky Low fan. I didn’t really become a fan until well after they had already broken up (the first time), and they reunited shortly after I moved to Buffalo. I’ve had lots and lots of opportunities to see them live. Sigh.

That’s it for now…happy Monday, all!

Tuesday Tidbits

Curse you, NaBloPoMo…if I hadn’t made the commitment, I so would not be blogging today. I had a busy day at school, despite the fact that the kids were watching a movie. (I, on the other hand, was grading tests.)

So, moving on…

Just in case there’s anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, there’s an online petition supporting the WGA. I signed it!

One of my favorite new places to visit on the internet is The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks. It’s from a couple of weeks ago, but I particularly enjoyed this post.

There’s a bit of backstory to this, but there was an image on this post at John Scalzi’s Whatever that made me laugh out loud. If I’d been drinking something, I’d be in need of a new laptop. Oh, hey! I just remembered that I can do screenshots. Here it is:


And finally, I’ve been saving a bunch of these “quote of the day” posts that I liked for…uh…something or another. So I’m going to start throwing them here. And today’s quote is:

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”

-Philip K. Dick

Tuesday Tidbits

I’ve been updating lots of photos, so be sure to check them out. Tonight, I uploaded two photos of me in my new glasses:

new glasses 2

I’m disappointed that you can’t see how truly cool they are in the photo. The frames are brown, but they have a sort of lavender tinge to them. I am pleased. I got lectured by the optometrist, because it’s been way too long since I had my eyes checked.

This is not new, but I have a pterygium on my right eye. (Jen, you probably don’t want to click!) It’s small, and it is not interfering with my vision in any way, so I’m told that it’s nothing to worry about. You have to be pretty close to my eye to be able to see it. If it ever does become a problem, I can have it removed. (eep!)

I probably paid a bit too much for the glasses, because I let them talk me into upgrading the lenses to the anti-glare, scratch-resistant ones. I did not get contacts this time, but I’ll probably go back for them sometime before the wedding (I wear them very, very infrequently).

Anyway, let’s see what’s up around teh intarwebs…

Apparently, the Sweet Valley High books are being reissued. (via Pop Culture Junk Mail) Question is, do the publishers think kids are going to go for this? Or are they for us thirtysomethings who read them as tweens?

It took me a long time to realize this (uh, Jen had to point it out to me), but I was mentioned in jen14221’s last “Buffalo Blogs” column in the Spree. It’s not online, but I took some photos!


Also getting shout-outs were some of my favorite bloggers…Samantha, Mild Mannered Blogger, and Christine.


has begun its annual fundraising drive, which means, of course, address labels! I like the new labels–they have photographs of some campus landmarks, and they’re very cute.


(those are just stickers. The actual labels actually have my address…)

And my final tidbit…this past weekend has been “blast from the past” weekend! I got three friend requests/contacts on facebook. The first was from a guy I went to grade school with. He moved back to England with his family in middle school. Hi, Colin!

The others were from a couple of fellow Alleghenians…one was good friends with my ex, K. Hi, Mike! And Reid, well, I didn’t even expect him to remember who I was. Hi, Reid!

(Are you on facebook and not friends with me yet? Click here!)

Tuesday Tidbits

Hrm. I’m having a hard time finding note-worthy things I want to blog about. So today’s gonna be the all-Sasquatch edition of Tuesday Tidbits.

This whole bigfoot sighting was near enough to my hometown that the locals were all abuzz with the news. A local hunter had put up a stationery motion-triggered camera and picked up…well, something.

Here’s the article from the Bradford Era.

Here’s a video from MSNBC:

And another from WTAE-TV in Pittsburgh:

The story also made the AP wire, as seen here.

And it’s gotten mentions on various blogs and message boards. Here’s one.

What do I think? Dunno, really. It is pretty bizarre, and I’m not sure I’m buying the “it’s a bear” line from the PA Game Commission.

What do *you* think? 😉