Tuesday Tidbits

  • Last night’s episode of Heroes was pretty good, but I must say I am disappointed in Peter. How gullible can he be? Gah. Kristin has the scoop on what’s to come…sort of. (no real spoilers). I SO want Elle (Kristen Bell) to turn against her creepy father and join our Heroes. I heart her. I don’t want her to be bad. šŸ™
  • I have just now remembered two things I left out of my last Reading, Watching, Listening post–at school, I watched The Devil’s Arithmetic (based on the book of the same title) with the kids. I thought it was great–very well done, harrowing without being too graphic. Also, 1408. Stephen King! John Cusack! I liked it. I didn’t *love* it, but I liked it.
  • And, some sad news…Lowest of the Low is saying goodbye. I’m planning on being at the show at Club Infinity next weekend (now a farewell show…). Who else is going to be there? In a way, I’ve been a very, very lucky Low fan. I didn’t really become a fan until well after they had already broken up (the first time), and they reunited shortly after I moved to Buffalo. I’ve had lots and lots of opportunities to see them live. Sigh.

That’s it for now…happy Monday, all!

5 thoughts on “Tuesday Tidbits

  1. Sigh. Both their shows are on days/nights where I’m pretty much not able to leave the office (Tuesday and Saturday). I’ve never seen ’em live and only really heard recordings a couple times, but I used to hear people cover them all the time at my favorite coffeehouse back when I lived in the southern tier (“So Long Bernie” and “Rosy and Grey” I remember in particular), and I’ve kept meaning to check ’em out live if I ever had the opportunity.

    Ah, well … maybe they’ll reunite again.

  2. I’m tellin’ ya. Chat sends the greatest cards! He said he found them last year at Borders or Barnes and Noble as a closeout. Can you believe it? A CLOSEOUT!

    People just don’t get it!

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