So I’m up through episode 7 of season 1 of Six Feet Under, and still thoroughly enjoying it. I do have one question for any fans out there reading…are the Fishers supposed to be Catholic? Because I got that impression at first, but then some things didn’t fit. Like the whole “committee interviewing the new priest” thing. I’m pretty sure that in all Catholic parishes, priests are appointed. The bishop says “go there” and you go. Period.

Any clarification in this matter would be greatly appreciated. 🙂

ETA: Thanks to R for letting me know that they are Episcopalians. Makes sense…good ol’ Catholic-Lite. 😉

Too much to say

Ack. It’s been a busy week. I’m still behind on things I wanted to talk about LAST week. I’ll do a quick summary.

First off, I need some tips on how to deal with the attention spans of 7-year-olds. My cheerleading class at the Y is down to four girls…three 7-year-olds and a six-year-old. They’re really not bad. Cute, eager. LOTS of energy. After about 45 minutes last Friday night, I let them run around, do cartwheels, bounce on the bouncy aerobics balls, basically just burn off some energy for about ten minutes before I brought them back together to review what we’d learned and stretch. I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t figure out how to hold their attention any longer!

I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do with them tonight. I thought about looking for a silly little game, a team-building type thing. Two of the little girls are best friends and completely inseparable. One of them is sort of shy, and I think needs to be brought out of her shell a bit. Any ideas?

Finished reading Neverwhere last weekend. I loved it. It was original, clever, very funny at times, very creepy at times, and I wasn’t bored for a moment. Good stuff.

Saturday night, R met a few more of my friends…we went to a little get-together at Rachel & Brian’s place. Tim and Dayna were there too. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, we had to eat and run so we could make it to the John & Mary show at Nietzche’s. (John and Mary were with 10,000 Maniacs. Mary sang after Natalie Merchant went solo.) I enjoyed the show.

After spending most of Saturday lounging around, getting R hooked on Sports Night (yay!), and R getting me hooked on Six Feet Under, I went to see Jackdaw at Sportsmen’s Tavern. This was a good venue for them. It’s small, but they sounded great. The only real complaint I had was the size of the stage. There’s six guys in the band, so it was a little crowded. Poor George was stuffed into the back corner with his drums. This one ridiculously drunk guy kept coming up and “dancing” and almost running into people. At one point, I was kind of dancing, and he kept looking at me as if he was going to try and dance with me. I slowly inched away. David noticed this and laughed at me. Thanks, dude.

Tuesday, R and I went to see Carbon Leaf, also at Nietzche’s. Earlier in the day, I went to New World Record to see them play an acoustic set. It was at 3 p.m., so the “crowd” was pretty small. The guys were good natured about this and made jokes. “If you need to shop, don’t let us stop you.” 😉 But by the end of their set, the random people who were in the store had stopped to listen, and a small crowd of people (including at least one employee) had made their way over from the adjoining Spot Coffee. They played all my favorite tunes from Indian Summer (except Raise the Roof) AND my favorite song from Echo Echo.

Terry, one of the guitarists, kept noticing me singing along and smiling. At the end of the set, Barry, the lead singer, urged everyone to come over and say hi. He was talking to a couple of other die-hard fans when I left, but I smiled and said I would see them at the show that night. He remembered me at Nietzche’s, so that was pretty cool…

R very much enjoyed himself. He remarked that Terry looked about “35 percent too Nickelback” to be in the band. Hee. It’s true…he doesn’t have the same “look” as the rest of the guys. Bigger body type, long hair and a mustache. But he looks so darn happy when he’s playing that you kind of forget. And he has such a *nice* voice when he sings.

I was happy that R was impressed with my boy Carter…it sort of validates my fangirl-like worship. 😉

It was a great show. The overly loud, drunk, enthusiastic college girls from Rochester were there, and I didn’t have much patience for them.

“Crazy traaaaaaaaaaain. Play Crazy traaaaaaaaaaain! We came all the way from ROCHESTER! EEEEEEEEEEEEE! We love you BARRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!”

Do I have more to say? Probably…but I should actually, you know, work today. 😉

Six Feet Under

Jen has been a big fan of Six Feet Under for quite a while. I’d caught an episode here or there, but never quite got invested in it. Mostly, I think, because I didn’t catch it from the beginning, and I wasn’t up to investing the time in catching up. But now, I find that R is a fan and has the first two seasons on DVD. Yay. 🙂

So after watching the pilot episode at his place over the weekend, I borrowed the rest of the first season from him. (“Great,” I said, as I put the DVDs in my bag to take home with me. “Because I need another reason not to get any work done.”) I watched two episodes last night, and this line from the third episode (The Foot) is quite possibly the best line of dialogue ever:

“I don’t understand kids. When I was her age, I never would have taken a…foot.”

Heh. What can I say? I’m a sucker for character-driven drama and clever writing. I’m hooked.

Crazy like a Fox

I started off this week with a killer allergy attack. Sneezing, wheezing and sniffling all day Monday, with no amount of antihistamine and decongestant making a dent. Went to bed early and woke up Tuesday feeling slightly better, but for a nagging stuffy-headedness. I was concerned that I was coming down with a cold, but the fact that I’ve been feeling better (normal except for a bit of sinus pressure) yesterday and today leads me to believe that this isn’t true.

Sadly, though, the experience has left my nose resembling lizard skin. Ick.

Caught the first part of JJ Abrams’ new show Lost last night. I was intrigued, but it didn’t quite live up to the amazing reviews I’ve seen about the ‘net. I come to find that this is likely because ABC decided to split the 2-hour pilot into two parts. Those who have given the rave reviews have seen the full two hours.

Stupid asshats at ABC. Of course they showed the 2-hour premiere of the Bachelor. (with TWO bachelors! Can you believe it?!)

This IS the network that cancelled my beloved Sports Night, I remind myself.

Anyway. Lost. Interesting premise, but I wonder how long they’ll be able to keep up the deserted island/scary creature in the woods thing.

(note…Matthew Fox, aka Charlie Salinger? Yum.)

Let’s go!

Against my better judgment (er, my wallet’s better judgment, that is…) I am probably going to stop and buy Lowest of the Low’s new CD Sordid Fiction today. Here’s a review that was posted on their site:

CD review from Eye Weekly 16 Sept 2004
Sordid Fiction Maple Music/Universal

They were grouped with the then-burgeoning early-’90s alternative-rock nation, but with their sturdy no-frills rock sound and Ron Hawkins’ heartfelt literary aspirations, the Lowest of the Low were more like scrappy younger cousins to The Tragically Hip’s peerless thinking-man’s hoser rock.

And they still are as Sordid Fiction sees them pick up right where they left off a decade back, when the Low were one of T.O.’s best and most beloved.
“We’re the same in a different way,” Hawkins sings on “A Casual Overdose” — which could be a knowing nod to the Low themselves — and thanks to vintage-sounding Low cuts like the freewheeling “The Last Recidivist,” Stephen Stanley’s bittersweet winner, “Your Birthday Party,” and the pining ache of “Giulietta the Just,” Sordid Fiction brims with the spirit of a band grateful for another chance to get back to where they once belonged.

Yay for new Low!

No day but today

My thanks to Tara, who posted a bit of this song from Rent and reminded me how beautifully inspiring it is:

(excerpts from Another Day)

The heart may freeze or it can burn
The pain will ease if I can learn
There is no future
There is no past
I live this moment as my last
There’s only us
There’s only this
Forget regret
Or life is yours to miss
No other road
No other way
No day but today…

I can’t control
My destiny
I trust my soul
My only goal is just
To be.
There’s only now
There’s only here
Give in to love
Or live in fear
No other path
No other way
No day but today…

And the Emmy goes to…

I never did get around to posting my thoughts on the Emmys the other day…because I know you all care.

I have to say that I didn’t even remember the Emmys were on. I was so out of it, in fact, that when Jen said “aren’t the Emmys on?” I said “didn’t they just announce the nominees?”

So we turned it on, and it served as little more than background noise…but I did perk up when my SpyDaddy Victor Garber came out with Taye Diggs to present lead actress in a drama.

Allison Janney. I adore her. And it was cute how she really appeared to have NO idea she would win. But this was her fourth Emmy, and poor Jennifer Garner got beaten, woke up in Hong Kong missing two years of her life, found out her lover was married to a psycho bitch who turned out to be a double agent, was held in a Korean prison camp, learned she was an assasin during her missing years and was nearly killed by her aunt. Doesn’t that deserve an award? 😉 (And besides, it would have been so cute for VG to present the award to her…)

Also, AJ thanked the cast of the West Wing but seemed to leave out Martin Sheen…oops!

Speaking of Martin Sheen…poor guy’s been nominated every year the show’s been on, but does he win? Nope. James Gandolfini, Michael Chiklis…and this year James Spader swoops in out of nowhere, does one season on The Practice, and steals away the president’s Emmy yet again.

(Incidentally, the cast of the West Wing is the only reason I continue to watch since the departure of Aaron Sorkin. They are amazing. All of them.)

The Sopranos…hmm…I’m probably the only person on earth who doesn’t care about The Sopranos.

Happy to see Arrested Development get recognized. It’s brilliant. Quirky, offbeat, and hilarious. Therefore it’ll probably get cancelled soon.

Cynthia Nixon and Sarah Jessica Parker. Yay.

Yeah, that’s about all I have to say.

Monday, monday

Grrr at my computer.

I started writing a little post about my weekend and the computer froze.

I use notepad when I’m at work, so I didn’t think it was such a big deal. Normally, things written in notepad are automatically saved.

But no. Not this time.


Friday night, I had my first class at the Y. Started out with only three girls, all around 7. Eek! We stretched, did some basic motions and jumps. We were working on the jumps when three more girls (sisters) arrived. The parents thought the class started an hour later than it did. I told them to come on in anyway.

We had a bit of chaos for 10 or so minutes. I then decided to try teaching them a simple sideline chant. Er…yeah. We’ll have to keep working on that. 🙂

Immediately following the class, some guy in an official YMCA shirt came up to me, asked me my name, and asked if I was going to be teaching the cheerleading class for the whole session. I said yes, I think so.

“Jerry hired you, right?”

Er, yes…

“Well, he resigned this week.”

Ah. perfect. So everyone is clueless. They have no idea who is doing what for the youth sports program, and they don’t know where my paperwork is. The paperwork I spend TWO HOURS doing last Sunday. If they think I’m doing it again, they are so dead wrong.

Met up with R after class, still in my workout garb. He asked if I wanted to go out for dinner or order in, and I said that it didn’t matter, but I would of course have to change my clothes if we were going out.

“I don’t want you to change. You look so cute,” he said.

We ordered in. 🙂

After we ate, we watched A Mighty Wind…this is part of my crash course in Christopher Guest. Last week, I also watched Spinal Tap (finally) and Waiting for Guffman. I loved them both. I also learned that Christopher Guest played Count Rugen in The Princess Bride. I’m definitely won over. He’s brilliant and hilarious.

Headed home to PA on Saturday, feeling the pain of my 30-year-old, ridiculously out-of-shape body crying out in protest at having been forced to do jumps.

“You’re not 18 anymore, Erin,” my muscles reminded me.

Yes, yes. I get it.

The main purpose of the trip home was to see my dad play Victor Velasco in a community theater production of Barefoot in the Park. They did a great job, and dad got lots of laughs.

We decided to make apple pie on Sunday (mmmm…), which was quite good, if I do say so myself.

Okay, look for my thoughts on the Emmys a little bit later.

A couple thousand words

Me with Carter from Carbon Leaf at the Cleveland Irish Festival. (Ignore the trucker hat…)

Jordan and Carter.

Yay! 🙂

I don’t like Mondays

I have a whole bunch of work to do today…so go ahead, ask me what I’m doing blogging instead of working…


In the completely random news department, I got a call from a guy at the YMCA on Saturday. I had called about a position teaching cheerleading several weeks ago, but never heard back from him. Out of nowhere, he calls, wants to know if I’m still interested and if so, can I come in today and fill out an application. Uh, sure…so then he wants me to come back on Sunday at noon to do paperwork and such. (this wouldn’t have been a bad thing, except there was someplace I really would have preferred to be…heehee. I ended up being there for TWO hours. blech.)

It’s a once-a-week class, teaching fundamentals to kids between 5 and 13. And oh, the class starts THIS FRIDAY. Ack!

The pay is next-to-nothing, but in exchange for doing something I actually like to do for an hour a week, I get a free membership to the Y, plus great experience working with kids to put on my resume. I think it’s a win-win.

Been listening to Carbon Leaf, and I think this might be my current favorite song, from their new CD Indian Summer:

(for anyone who doesn’t know, my favorite songs change frequently…)

Raise the Roof

Raise the roof, that I might see the stars
to gain wisdom to see things for what they are
Please, I need proof

Dance till you fall
Love till you die
Shut your mouth
Raise the roof

Trapped in this snare with too much dreaming to bear
Fearful and frantic, hopeless and a romantic
Inspired but tired, I run this wide-open course
Like the sagging spirit of an older horse

Dance till you fall
Love till you die
Shut your mouth
Raise the roof

Peel back this backdrop like the lids from my eyes
Put you in plain view, let me visualize
Touch me again in my dreams till I feel
Touch me again till I wake and it’s real

Dance till you fall
Love till you die
Shut your mouth
Raise the roof

The wisest advice to me that I didn’t teach
was to lock up the heart but keep the key within reach
Touch me again in my dreams till I feel
Touch me again till I wake and it’s real

Dance till you fall
Love till you die
Shut your mouth
Raise the roof