The old apartment

This is where we used to live.

And this is what’s going up in its place.

It’s strange. Surreal, even. I couldn’t quite wrap my brain around it enough to get introspective, but you might want to read Jen’s post. 759 Lafayette was sort of our last hurrah as single girls, where we lived when we both met our respective mates and moved on to start a new chapter in our lives, and it’s hard to think of it being gone.

And powerlust posted a link to the Buffalo ReUse flickr set. I haven’t looked at them yet.

Belated bday shoutout

To Jen! The big day was actually yesterday, and while I did not neglect the birthday wishes entirely, I never got around to posting on my blog. Happy birthday, Jen!
What’s been going on in my world? Shopping, movies, lounging about, cuddling, general recharging of batteries, etc. More updates soon… 🙂

Weekend wrap-up

Grades are done! Whew!

Apart from the grading, this past weekend was fairly mellow. Friday night, Rand and I went out for dinner at Danny’s on Genesee Street. We like Danny’s. It’s comfortable and homey and they make really good food. I had an excellent fish fry.

Saturday, we met up with Dave Huth and another friend from Houghton–they had come to Buffalo to do some errands and we met them for a long lunch at taste of India. They all had the buffet, but I went with the Chicken Muglai. Unfortunately, I don’t think I got what I ordered. It wasn’t bad, but it just didn’t taste right.

When I wasn’t grading, I was working on various crafty projects (some of them are Christmas presents–shhh!) and even doing a tiny bit of baking:

toffee bar cookies

I went in search of a recipe using Heath bits, which I bought last time I went shopping. I found this. I thought, that sounds good, but I think it needs some chocolate. So I melted chocolate chips and spread them over the top while they were still hot. (drizzling proved to be unproductive.) I have to say, they’re quite tasty, and really easy!


Recipe By : RADIS BGMB90B
Serving Size : 48 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Bar cookies

1 cup Butter
1 cup Brown sugar
1 Egg yolk
1 teaspoon Vanilla
2 cups Flour
1 package Heath bits — (6 oz) divided
1/2 cup Pecans — finely chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. With mixer, cream butter well; blend in sugar, egg yolk and vanilla. By hand mix in flour, 2/3 cup Heath bits and nuts. Press into ungreased 15 1/2 x 10 1/2 ” jelly roll pan. Bake 18 to 20 minutes, or until lightly browned. Remove from oven and immediately sprinkle remaining Heath Bits over top. Cool slightly but cut while still warm.

I got my grades done and entered yesterday, so yay. I also got all but one last batch of Christmas cards out…the rest will go out tomorrow. I ran out of stamps. 😉

Happy 6-days-till-Christmas everyone!

Friday Photo

Plus Weekend Wrap-up, Part 2…

low show

That is, sadly enough, the best photo I got at the Lowest of the Low concert last weekend. Rand, John and I got to Club Infinity early (before the doors opened) so that we could secure a spot at one of the “tables” along the walls. Unfortunately for us, the stools had been removed so as to pack more people into the space. Sigh.

I decided to stand behind Rand and John–between the “tables” and the wall–because the floor was about six inches higher there. That didn’t last. As more and more people began to crowd into the club, I felt more uncomfortable where I was standing. “Concert” and “Personal space” are not words that seem to go together.

There were two opening acts. The first was a local band that didn’t impress me all that much. The second was the Marble Index, a three-piece from Hamilton, Ontario, whom I’ve seen open for the Low before. I enjoyed them more last Saturday than I have in the past. They did a great job of setting the crowd up for the main act, and didn’t overstay their welcome.

As the concert began, this became my view:

my view

Sigh. Soon after, I decided to sit up on the wood half-countertop thing that edged the “table” area. I figured there were too many people there for anyone to come and yell at me.

They opened with “A Casual Overdose” from Sordid Fiction, which I thought was an odd choice. A little while later in the set, they played “The Last Recidivist,” which I thought would have been a better opener.

I really don’t have the set list memorized, but I can say they played many favorites from Shakespeare My Butt. In addition to other songs from Hallucigenia and Sordid Fiction, they played several songs from Stephen Stanley’s upcoming solo album, and several from Ron Hawkins’ current solo album (which was NOT being sold at the show. Grr.).

For their second encore, the guys played “Letter from Bilbao” and then finished up with “Rosy and Grey,” both of which brought a little tear to my eye. (People were yelling for “Rosy and Grey” WAY too early on in the evening. I wanted to shout, “People, you don’t really think they’ll leave without playing it, do you? DO YOU?”)

I feel like I’ve sort of come full-circle with my Lowest of the Low experience…I was there for their reunion show at the Tralf (with Jen, Rachel, and another friend with whom we’ve sadly lost touch) in 2000, and there for their farewell show. It was strange being there without Jen…as many times as I’ve seen the Low over the years (I’ve lost count), I think this is the first one I went to without her. (she couldn’t be there because of other commitments…) Jen, I missed you!

And while this will be the last we see of Lowest of the Low (forever? who knows…), I’m sure it won’t be the last we see of Ron Hawkins, Stephen Stanley, Lawrence Nichols, David Alexander, and Dylan Parker. At any rate, I’ll bid a fond farewell to the band that’s been the source of many happy memories for me over the past seven years–the good times with friends, the road trips to Hamilton and Toronto and Fredonia, meeting the band at Spot Coffee, the great music, and at least in a small way, bringing Rand and me together.

Thanks for everything guys.

And I’ll say, “goodbye, I love you.
‘Cause it’s time that I should go

Weekend wrap-up (part 1)

It was once again a busy weekend, but in a good way!

Friday night, All Things Jennifer hosted a girls’ night get-together complete with cookies and festive drinks. She also organized donations for Literacy Volunteers–many of the people who attended brought books to donate.



I brought a book, brownies, and hot chocolate fixings, including Butterscotch Schnapps–my favorite addition to cocoa! I picked up Samantha and we rode together, and that was nice.

It was fun meeting some new people and seeing others that I hadn’t seen in a while.

jen and erin

jen and samantha

(side note–does anyone have any good advice for avoiding redeye, other than “learn to use photoshop”?)

Thanks to Jen for hosting, and here’s to more friendly get-togethers in 2008!

I’ll be posting part 2–farewell to Lowest of the Low–later tonight or tomorrow.

Weekend wrap-up

I’m going to try to make this a quick one…

Rand and I spent Thanksgiving with his family. As I mentioned before, I did miss my family, but we had a lovely day anyway. Sadly, I did not have time to make my apple pie. 🙁

There was a big group there for the meal…aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. That made it feel a little bit more like home for me! I did not take any photos on Thanksgiving day because I was too lazy to get out the camera. I do have a sort of funny story to share, but I think I’ll save it for later.

This is long and full of photos, so I’m going to cut… Continue reading

Tuesday Tidbits

I’ve been updating lots of photos, so be sure to check them out. Tonight, I uploaded two photos of me in my new glasses:

new glasses 2

I’m disappointed that you can’t see how truly cool they are in the photo. The frames are brown, but they have a sort of lavender tinge to them. I am pleased. I got lectured by the optometrist, because it’s been way too long since I had my eyes checked.

This is not new, but I have a pterygium on my right eye. (Jen, you probably don’t want to click!) It’s small, and it is not interfering with my vision in any way, so I’m told that it’s nothing to worry about. You have to be pretty close to my eye to be able to see it. If it ever does become a problem, I can have it removed. (eep!)

I probably paid a bit too much for the glasses, because I let them talk me into upgrading the lenses to the anti-glare, scratch-resistant ones. I did not get contacts this time, but I’ll probably go back for them sometime before the wedding (I wear them very, very infrequently).

Anyway, let’s see what’s up around teh intarwebs…

Apparently, the Sweet Valley High books are being reissued. (via Pop Culture Junk Mail) Question is, do the publishers think kids are going to go for this? Or are they for us thirtysomethings who read them as tweens?

It took me a long time to realize this (uh, Jen had to point it out to me), but I was mentioned in jen14221’s last “Buffalo Blogs” column in the Spree. It’s not online, but I took some photos!


Also getting shout-outs were some of my favorite bloggers…Samantha, Mild Mannered Blogger, and Christine.


has begun its annual fundraising drive, which means, of course, address labels! I like the new labels–they have photographs of some campus landmarks, and they’re very cute.


(those are just stickers. The actual labels actually have my address…)

And my final tidbit…this past weekend has been “blast from the past” weekend! I got three friend requests/contacts on facebook. The first was from a guy I went to grade school with. He moved back to England with his family in middle school. Hi, Colin!

The others were from a couple of fellow Alleghenians…one was good friends with my ex, K. Hi, Mike! And Reid, well, I didn’t even expect him to remember who I was. Hi, Reid!

(Are you on facebook and not friends with me yet? Click here!)

Friday photo

adam eats guitar

Adam and Rand were waiting to perform “Home” during the Pegasus Awards concert at OVFF last weekend. “Home” is, of course, a lovely song…but it was up against some pretty tough competition. 😉

I was trying to be stealthy with the camera, but if you get a camera within ten feet of Adam, well, this is what you get! There’s just something about the composition of this that I like…

This is also a good moment for me to congratulate all of this year’s Pegasus winners:

Best Filk Song: Rich Fantasy Lives by Rob Balder and Tom Smith
Best Classic Filk Song: Falling Down on New Jersey by Mitchell Burnside Clapp
Best Performer (tie): Dr. Mary Crowell and Seanan McGuire
Best Writer/Composer: Talis Kimberley
Best Dorsai Song: Shai! by Steve MacDonald and Steve Simmons
Best Song of Home: Emerald Green by Michelle Dockrey (vixy) and Tony Fabris

This was a difficult ballot, and I thoroughly enjoyed the concert. Lots and lots of good stuff. I didn’t know any of the Dorsai songs before last weekend, and although it did not win, I have to admit that “Green Hills of Harmony” was my personal favorite…

Tony and vixy’s performance of “Emerald Green” was stunning, and I’m sure it sent more than a few votes in their general direction! Also quite impressive was Seanan & company’s performance of “Still Catch the Tide” by Talis Kimberley. (aside–I think my favorite Talis song is “Small Mended Corners.” Does anyone perform that? I don’t think I’ve ever heard it, other than on the CD.)

I had the good fortune to sit with *three* of the winners (Seanan, vixy and Tony) at the banquet, plus two nominees (uh, that’d be Ookla, of course). Great fun was had by all. 😉

Thursday Thoughts

Well, it’s the first day of NaBloPoMo, and the thing that’s been most on my mind this week is the general asshattery that is to be found on the Internet.

As you may recall, my good friend Eden has gained a certain amount of notoriety over the whole YouTube/Universal Music Publishing Group/Prince kerfluffle (aside–I luuuurve the word kerfluffle…). You can read the Washington Post story here, or the ABC News story here (or you could read about it on her blog, if I could get the darn thing to load…).

For those not in the know, here’s the quick sum-up…Eden posted a 29-second video of her son dancing on YouTube. Said video had the song “Let’s Go Crazy” playing in the background. Universal ordered YouTube to take down the video. They did. Eden filed a counternotice, and the video went back up. Eden got the Electronic Frontier Foundation involved, and a lawsuit was filed.

I’ve spent more time than I really should have this week reading comments on the various websites the story has been posted on. Many of the comments boil down to “prince sux!” Others are somewhat more intelligent. Many of the commenters are siding with Eden, but every now and then…

People have criticized her for posting a video of her child on YouTube at all. People have accused her of being a famewhore, of “just being after money” and even worse. Some of the trolliest comments have attacked Eden’s and Baby H’s looks. But that’s not even the worst part…the worst part is the other people who clearly don’t know how to deal with trolls.

I desperately want to put everyone with a keyboard and an Internet connection in a room and say, “Listen up, people. Do not, under any circumstances, feed the trolls. Stop it.”

So, trolls annoy me. People who think they know everything about everything and can’t be stopped from posting on public websites annoy me. Actually, lots of things annoy me, but that’s neither here nor there.

Before I ramble on any further, I just want to point out how proud I am of Eden for standing up for her principles this way. She shows so much more grace and courage in the face of asshattery than I ever could. Go Eden!