Wedding Wednesday

So here’s the truth…

I haven’t made a single wedding-related decision since I ordered the dress.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am terrible at decision-making. Sometimes I’m paralyzed by the question of what to eat for lunch. And God forbid that I make a decision and then, for whatever reason, have to make a different selection. That entree you wanted? We’re out of it. Sorry, no cranberry juice. Etc. And what is planning a wedding but constantly making decisions?

Thankfully the big stuff is out of the way…but now, we have all of these little decisions to make, and I know that I should probably get moving on some of them, but I just don’t want to. One of my aunts wants to buy me something wedding related for Christmas. She suggested toasting glasses, but she wants me to pick them out. Could there be something I’ve thought about less? I don’t think so. Several people have asked what I’m going to do with my hair. Uhm…I dunno?

Veil? I dunno. Flowers? I dunno. Cake? I dunno. You get the idea.

Lots of people, of course, ask me how the plans are coming. I smile and say “fine.” And then I feel a slight pang of panic deep down. Am I supposed to be doing something? What am I supposed to be doing? 

I’m not going to pretend that I never considered the idea of my wedding until the moment I was engaged, but I’m certainly not one of those girls who had everything all figured out ahead of time.

I don’t really know what my point is here…I know I’m rambling.  I guess I’ve always known that I didn’t really care about most of this minutiae. I’m just now realizing how much. And yet, the decisions will have to be made anyway…

Weekend wrap-up (part 1)

It was once again a busy weekend, but in a good way!

Friday night, All Things Jennifer hosted a girls’ night get-together complete with cookies and festive drinks. She also organized donations for Literacy Volunteers–many of the people who attended brought books to donate.



I brought a book, brownies, and hot chocolate fixings, including Butterscotch Schnapps–my favorite addition to cocoa! I picked up Samantha and we rode together, and that was nice.

It was fun meeting some new people and seeing others that I hadn’t seen in a while.

jen and erin

jen and samantha

(side note–does anyone have any good advice for avoiding redeye, other than “learn to use photoshop”?)

Thanks to Jen for hosting, and here’s to more friendly get-togethers in 2008!

I’ll be posting part 2–farewell to Lowest of the Low–later tonight or tomorrow.

Reading, watching, listening

Reading: Pride of Baghdad, and Ex Machina, vol. 6, both by Brian K. Vaughn. I have an issue of Buffy sitting here for me to read, and I might get to that today sometime.

Watching:  Finished watching Ed Wood, which was good, but really kind of sad. Poor Ed just had this relentless optimism that he was going to be the next Orson Welles. Martin Landau was amazing, and his Oscar for his portrayal of Bela Lugosi was well deserved.

Bender’s Big Score, the Futurama movie. I adore Futurama, and the movie had its moments, but it was nowhere near as good as the show.

The finale of Heroes. Gasp! Ack! Any speculation about what’s going to happen next?

And by the way, I am so sick of Sylar. I want him to go away and be, like, dead for good.

Rand and I are also slowly catching up on season 2 of My Name is Earl courtesy of Netflix, while also watching the current season. I’m happy that this week’s episode got Earl out of prison. I was really tired of that story.

Listening: I finally broke out the Christmas tunes this past week. I need to once again pimp the Hawksley Workman album Almost a Full Moon. (available at Amazon, Maple Music, and on iTunes)

I was listening to my Christmas playlist and “Merry Christmas, I Love You” came on, and that one always makes me a little bit weepy…

Immediately following that one, “O Holy Night” came on. Sigh.

And of course,  we had the Lowest of the Low show last night. More on that to come. I hope you’re all having a lovely weekend!

Thursday Thoughts: Bellsnickel

December 6 is St. Nicholas Day. In my hometown, we celebrated a similar tradition, but instead of St. Nicholas, we were visited by Belsnickel. Here’s a brief mention I found on Wikipedia:

Belsnickel (or Belschnickel) is a Pennsylvania Dutch mythical being who visits children at Christmas time. If they have not been good, they will find coal and/or switches in their stockings. The Belsnickel was a scary creature not well loved except by parents wanting to keep their children in line.

Belsnickel is also similar to Krampus in Austria and Germany.

I did grow up in a very German part of Pennsylvania, and my area of the state had adapted a version of this story. Our Belsnickel wasn’t exactly scary, though…we thought of him as a jolly elf of sorts. On the night of Dec. 5, we’d leave our shoes out, and Belsnickel would leave a small gift (candy or little toys) for you if you’d been good.

I received small gifts from Belsnickel well into my adulthood. 😉 (Here’s one previous mention on the blog…I had spelled it Bellsnickle, and I’ve been noticing a lot of google searches leading people here! Hope you find what you’re looking for…)

There’s some more information under the “Companions of St. Nicholas” entry in Wikipedia.

Wedding Wednesday

I’m afraid I don’t have anything terribly profound or interesting today. I had to stop in at Barnes & Noble today. I was on my way to an appointment and had forgotten to bring my book to read (I had taken it out of my bag at school and left it there….gah), so I figured I’d pick up a magazine to read while I was waiting. I decided on the current issue of Martha Stewart Weddings.

This was exactly the second wedding magazine I’ve purchased. The first was an issue of…I don’t even remember…Brides, probably, that I picked up shortly after becoming engaged. And much like I did with the first one, I finished flipping through it thinking “Well, that was a waste of money.”

There’s so little practical advice in them, particularly for people who don’t plan on spending insane amounts of money on their wedding.

I haven’t read it, but I picked up this book once at a bookstore: One Perfect Day–The Selling of the American Wedding. (I would love to read it. I’m just not sure I want to own it.) The thesis statement of the book is that the wedding industry is out of control. I can’t disagree. And while I am having a wedding, I’m not going to lose my mind (or enter into bankruptcy) over it.

What was my point? Oh, yeah…Bridal magazines. All of them (there used to be, like, two. What happened?) work to perpetuate this whole “perfect day” myth. As I’ve said before, and will continue to say, I’m much more concerned with the marriage than with the wedding. Yeah, we’re spending a decent chunk of money on the party…but we’re doing it because we want our friends and family there with us. We want it to be a true celebration of our love and our life together, not some fairy-tale idea of a perfect day.

But speaking of the day…there are lots of things that we have to do still, I know, but I’m finding myself wishing it would just be here already. Truthfully, it would probably have been sooner if not for my choice of careers and the uncertainty of it all (you know, the having no idea whether or not I’m going to have a steady job in the spring…). It seems too far away right now, but I know it’ll be here before I know it. And so I’ll continue waiting, and making plans…and I will pledge to buy no more wedding magazines. 😉

Weekend wrap-up (part 1)

We had a busy weekend. I still don’t think I’ve quite recovered! I’m currently uploading photos to flickr, and I’ll probably add them to the post as they become available.

Friday night was the musicfest at the California Brew Haus in Rochester.  One drawback of the venue…the back room (where they have the live music) is *freezing*. I positioned myself near the heat source, but I don’t think I got warm all evening.

Other than that, it was a lot of fun.  Got to see lots of friends, and lots of silly music. It was great to see Carla again, if a bit of a bummer that her better half wasn’t able to join her!

Got home WAY too late. (after 3. That’s several hours past my bedtime…) Had to get up to run to the bank and post office, so didn’t get to sleep in as long as I would have liked. Lounged about watching movies in the afternoon.

We met up with Jenn and Scott for dinner on Saturday evening. When our original plan was foiled, we decided to head to Gabriel’s Gate. It took *forever* for someone to come and actually speak to us at the door, and when they finally did, we were asked if we had a reservation. We said, “uh, no.” He said it would be a 25 minute wait. We said no thanks and went to Fat Bob’s instead, where we were seated quickly and got no attitude.

I *heart* Fat Bob’s. I had pulled pork and mashed potatoes. Mmmmmm.

After dinner, we headed to Madame Mocha’s on Lovejoy where Greg Klyma and Tom Bianchi were performing.

More later. Photos are uploaded…titles and descriptions to come.

Reading, watching, listening

Reading: Not really a whole lot at the present moment. I checked Just Listen by Sara Dessen and Inkspell by Cornelia Funke out of the school library. I started Inkspell, but didn’t get very far. I’m sure I’ll get around to finishing it, but so far, I’m not as captivated as I was by Inkheart.

I’ve still got a “to read” list a mile long…

Watching: Rand and I have been on a movie binge in the past week…

Reefer Madness–the musical version. The DVD also had the original film on it, so we watched enough of it to get the idea. I adore Kristen Bell, so I was all over this.

Little Shop of Horrors–Rand couldn’t believe I’d never seen this. So now I have. 🙂

Jeffrey–a mid-90s AIDS comedy starring Steven Weber and Michael T. Weiss. Most people would know Steven Weber as the guy from Wings, and Michael T. Weiss as the guy from The Pretender. I did watch both shows…but I remember Michael T. Weiss as Dr. Mike Horton from Days of Our Lives. He was yummy. Anyway…Jeffrey starts out as a total slapstick comedy, very silly, and ends with some serious emotional stuff.

Pittsburgh–a Jeff Goldblum mockumentary. Er, sort of. Jeff Goldblum does a regional theater production of The Music Man in Pittsburgh so his Canadian girlfriend (a musical theater actress) can stay in the country on a work visa. He plays Harold Hill, and his girlfriend plays Marian. He gets Ed Begley Jr. and Ileana Douglas to star in the show as well. The thing is…it all actually happened. I mean, of course they went a little over-the-top for the movie, which is what made it a mocumentary rather than an actual documentary, but it was very funny.

Ed Wood–the topic of Ed Wood and his films came up while having breakfast with Lisa last weekend. Rand saw this when it came out, but I did not, so we decided to get it. (actually, not quite finished with this. more later…)

Also keeping up with my regular TV watching, but I don’t have much to say about that. I’m *loving* 30 Rock. Tina Fey is awesome.

Listening: Been listening to a lot of Soul Coughing lately, because Rand’s been on a kick. That’s okay, because I’m enjoying it. Also, some other stuff that I’ve forgotten.

Of course, this past weekend was a live music extravaganza, but more on that later…

Don’t forget to share your own reading/watching/listening experiences, and make suggestions if you like. Happy Monday!

Blog potpourri

I owe a reading, watching, listening post, which I will get around to soon…but until then, here’s a few tidbits:

The new issue of Toasted Cheese is up. And I need to get the newsletter out!

NaBloPoMo is over, and I made it! Woohoo! Not nearly as impressive as finishing NaNoWriMo, no, but I’m still pleased.


That fabulous little badge is courtesy of partofeverything. Thanks! 😀

Via Emma, I heard about National Photo Posting Month:

Thomas Brock has started NaPhotoPoMo – also known as National Photograph Posting Month. Thus far, it’s going to be in February, but that’s subject to change. The challenge is simple. Just take a picture and post it on your blog each and every day of the month.

I thought that sounded like too much fun to pass up, so I’m in. It’s open to anyone, so go on over and sign up!

And finally, I had a photo selected for Schmap!! Buffalo in the nightlife section. It’s a photo of Rand playing with Greg Klyma and Tom Bianchi at Nietzsche’s

let's talk about cher

I’m sure I’m forgetting a thing or two. Updates about the weekend (and photos!) to come.

Friday photo


Peanuts at the Disco.

These people were standing near us, dancing. I tried in vain to take their photo surreptitiously, and finally they noticed me and posed.

My companions and I could not, for the life of us, figure out what the connection between Peanuts characters and disco was…but it was amusing, and as I said, too weird not to photograph.

So Lucy, Chuck, and Patty, whoever you are,  this one’s for you!

Thursday Thoughts (er, sort of)

Busy days…in lieu of a typical “Thursday Thoughts” post, I wanted to share a few upcoming musical events!

Tomorrow night at the California Brew Haus in Rochester, we have…er…”Nipplepalooza III” (no, I don’t know why it’s called that) featuring:

Ookla the Mok
Worm Quartet
Carla Ulbrich
Rob Balder
and Sudden Death

Show begins at 9:30. $5, 21 and over, $7 under. (more info at the Worm Quartet link)

I have to say, I’m most looking forward to seeing Carla, because it’s been quite a long time.

Saturday night (and every Saturday in December), Greg Klyma and Tom Bianchi will be at Madame Mocha’s, 1190 Lovejoy Street in Buffalo. I’ve never been there, but I’m told it’s a great venue, and Greg and Tom are always fun!

And next Saturday, of course, is Lowest of the Low at Club Infinity. I think those tickets are $28.

See you there?