So, what’s on my mind this week?
I dunno. I’m seriously dragging today. The kids were…well, loopy today. I was sure it had to be a full moon, but no. It’s a new moon. But not on Monday. 😉
Bought myself a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks and put some upbeat dance tunes on the iPod. That’s helping, but I don’t know how long it’s going to last. I just want to go home and crash. Thankfully, I don’t really have to *teach* tonight…just lead a peer editing workshop.
Other than that? I’ve been thinking a lot about DJs, and why I don’t want one for my wedding (Rand and I are going to go the iPod/computer route. We have a friend to serve as emcee when necessary, and we have or can get all the necessary equipment). Ninety-five percent of the time, I leave a wedding talking about how crappy the DJ was. He played inappropriate music. He mispronounced people’s names. He made lame jokes. Etc. If you’ve known me for any amount of time, you know that I have a huge beef with inappropriate wedding music. (not talking about the first dance songs, of course. that’s the fault of the bride and groom…)
For example, I’m not sure why you would ever play “Jesus Take the Wheel” as a slow dance at a wedding. Or “American Soldier.” The huh? I mean, I just think the slow songs at a wedding should be, y’know, about love. And the happy love kind. Not the “I’m crazy for lovin’ youuuuuuuuu…” kind.
And now for some audience participation…what’s one song you think absolutely *must* be played at a wedding (slow or upbeat) and one that you think should be banned forever?