
The beginning of a semester is always an adventure, trying to get organized and make sure things get off to a decent start. I’m not making any drastic changes to either of my classes, but there are always little things that have to be changed or adjusted.

The cheerleading thing has been a bit of a challenge. Things have been chaotic to begin with, and I’ve had one (out of seven) quit. Ah well…it’s less than a month to go, and (assuming that I’m doing this again next year) it’s just the beginning. I’m sure things will improve.

The weekend was uneventful, but semi-productive. We bought a desperately-needed vacuum cleaner, and I did a bit of cleaning. There’s still more to do, of course.

Yesterday, I had lunch with Jen (something we’ve been trying to do for a couple of weeks now) and spent way longer than I meant to in the mall. I went in for a pair of gloves, as I somehow lost one. I came out with gloves, a cute little denim jacket that was $12, and a shirt that was on a sale rack.

In the mail, I got a pair of jeans that I successfully purchased on eBay. You know how you have that one favorite comfy pair of jeans that you don’t know you’re going to love when you buy them? And then when you go back looking for another pair, they’re nowhere to be found? Yeah, they were those jeans. And I found a pair for $16.50 plus shipping, brand new with tags. Yay for me. 🙂

Okay, gotta go…I have a class to teach!



Originally uploaded by enappe27.

It’s been six years.

I keep linking back to this post on this date, because I said so much, and I don’t need to say it again. I still miss her. We all still miss her.

I notice that, in the above post, I mention that it was almost six months since I had met Rand. That was two years ago.

I wish she could have met Rand. I wish he’d had the chance to know her.

Greetings from Georgia!


This is me with fellow TC editor Bellman, aka Jam, aka Amanda. Yay! 🙂

It’s a camera phone photo, so not of the best quality…but it’s online immediately! Thanks again, Thomas, for helping me with this.

Five things

Okay, here are five things you might not know about me. Tagged by LadyTurpentine.

This is hard. 😛

1. I knew how to read when I started kindergarten. I sensed that this was not typical, and so pretended that I didn’t know how to read. I apparently successfully convinced my teacher, because the only part of this story I remembered was that Mrs. M didn’t believe I could read. My mom reminded me of the rest.

Me: Mrs. M didn’t believe that I knew how to read.

My mom: That’s because you pretended you couldn’t read.

2.  I played a parrot in my Girl Scout play when I was in middle school. I later used the costume (multi-colored streamers glued to…something…and a beak) in a Halloween costume contest and won an honorable mention. They called me a “paper chicken.”

3.  The first record I remember buying was the 45 of “Eye in the Sky” by the Alan Parsons Project.

4. When I was in high school, my aunt (who lived in California at the time) married a man who had a son who was my age. When I was a sophomore, they moved back to Pennsylvania and lived with my grandparents for a while. My aunt’s stepson was my first real kiss. (ew) At the end of that year, he went back to California to live with his mom, and I have never seen or heard from him again.

5. My freshman year of college, I took an acting class. I had to perform a scene from “A View from the Bridge” in which I had the line, “Teach me, Rodolfo. I don’t know anything. Teach me.” After my partner and I had finished the scene, my somewhat pervy professor asked me to explain what I meant by “teach me”. I was 18, shy, and utterly mortified. I’m pretty sure my response was, “um……um…well, you know.”

You’re it. Leave a comment if you answer!

My storm experience

Ahhh…sweet, sweet electricity.

As predicted, I’m in a much better place now. the lights came on around 6 p.m. last night. I literally jumped up and down like a lunatic.

Last Friday was a pretty rough day for me. Rand (along with Lady Turpentine and jennimi) went to Canada on Thursday evening to attend a conference. They should have come home on Friday afternoon. Alas, mother nature had other ideas.

Thursday night, I had started watching season 1 of Veronica Mars (thanks, Netflix!). I absolutely loved it. When it was clear there wasn’t going to be school on Friday, I decided to stay up and watch some more. The first disc has four episodes on it. I stopped after the third, thinking “I can watch the last one tomorrow…” I went to bed around midnight. I still had electricity.

I think the power must have gone out and come back on during the night, because I heard the cordless phone beep. When I woke up at around 8, there was no power. I ate some cereal…the milk was still cold.

My parents called me around 8:30…they’d gone out for breakfast and heard about the snow in Buffalo. I confirmed that yes indeed, there was a whole bunch of snow out there. My phone beeped at me, letting me know that my battery was low. Crap! I started to panic a little…I had no way to charge my phone, and the only phones in the house were cordless and therefore useless.

I decided to get dressed and venture outside with the camera.

Here’s what greeted me, just outside the door:

friday morning parking lot

Some people were attempting to dig out their cars. Why? Who knows…no one was going anywhere. Even if you had managed to get out of the parking lot, our road was blocked by trees and downed lines.

trees, lines down in road

I walked down main street a bit, verifying that nothing was open. I came home and read for a little while, then tried to occupy myself by going through old piles of crap I had lying around and organizing them. I found batteries for the radio and tried to get some news. I tried to figure out how I would be able to be in contact with anyone with no cell phone. I alternated between pacing, staring out the window, and reading for the next several hours.

I decided to turn my cell phone back on, and Rand had called from Canada. I called back, worried that the battery was going to die in the middle of my conversation. It was at this time that I completely lost it. I had been holding onto the foolish hope that Rand would somehow be able to make it back that afternoon–that the roads would be cleared. Not so. I learned that all major routes were closed. The next 24 hours stretched out in front of me, seemingly endless. I was cut off from the rest of the world, but for my radio. My phone wasn’t going to last. I had very little food.

No, I wasn’t going to die…but I was going to be awfully miserable.

I let myself freak out for a bit, then pulled it together and decided to venture out again. One of my neighbors was charging her cell phone in her car. Her boyfriend(?) was standing outside, and I commented how I wished I had a car charger.

“What kind of phone do you have? I have one in my car, and you can use it if it fits.”

He got into his car, pulled out the charger, and lo! It fit! I wanted to hug him.

I sat in the car, plugged in the charger, and called my parents.

Then it was back down to Main Street with me. I brought my phone, charger, and computer…just in case. Maybe Starbucks or Caffe Aroma would be open.

I was amazed by what a difference there was from the last time I’d been outside.

more eerieness

(8:30 am)

main street friday afternoon

(1 pm)

I came across someone walking toward me with a takeout coffee cup. Something was open!
“Where did you get that?”

She told me that DiCamillo Bakery was open, so I headed there.

dicamillo's sign

I ordered some pizza and headed over to the cafe area. The cafe area is pretty tiny, but they did have many available electrical outlets. I immediately plugged in my phone. There was no place to sit, so I sort of hovered. When my pizza was ready, a couple who had a table invited me to sit with them. They were very nice, and I was happy for a little while…I had hot food, warmth, human contact, and a place to charge my phone!

When I got home, I managed to find an old phone that didn’t require electricity. Yay! I read for a little while longer (finished one book and nearly finished another), talked to Rand again, then felt sorry for myself a little while longer. I decided to call up a friend of ours who lives nearby…he didn’t have electricity either, but he does have a fireplace! I visited for a bit, warming myself by the fire. They gave me some hot apple cider, and I played Sudoku with one of his daughters. They were all in kind of a frenzy, trying to find an open hotel with electricity. They found a possibility and decided to head out, so I left. The Wegmans on Sheridan was open, so I headed there to get myself some provisions.

Since we had been advised not to drink any water without boiling it first, I bought some bottled water (I got one of the last 12-packs of spring water in the store). I also got a few other things that didn’t require refrigeration or cooking.

It was probably close to 8 when I got home, and it was dark. I lit all the candles I could find, and put batteries in the cordless window candles I’d bought in the Christmas aisle at Wegmans. I snacked and tried to read a bit by candlelight. I realized that I could watch a DVD in my computer, so I finally watched that copy of Once More with Feeling (the Buffy musical) that Stephanie made for me long ago. (I loved it, by the way…) I talked to my mom, talked to Stephanie for a bit, and talked to Rand again. Then I piled on some blankets and went to bed. I did not sleep well. 🙁

I woke up at around 8, and decided to head to Wegmans in hopes of getting a hot drink. It seems that everyone else in the world had the same idea…I decided that a hot drink was not worth waiting in line for an hour. I picked up a couple of things and headed back home. I bundled up and tried to read, but I mostly paced and stared out the window a lot. Rand called shortly after 11 to let me know that he was sitting in border traffic. I decided to try Caffe Aroma. Much to my joy, Caffe Aroma was open! I had a hot drink and an internet connection. I stayed for about an hour, and not long after I left, Rand got home. While I was still a little cranky, my disposition was much better.

We spent the next couple of days visiting with friends and family who had electricity. The nights were manageable, with lots of blankets. It was the getting out of bed, the showering and getting ready in the cold. Brrr.

But now my apartment is light and warm again! I celebrated by immediately doing two loads of laundry…that was starting to become a problem!

What a crazy, crazy week this has been, eh?

Still no power

I’m working today…my classes at the university aren’t so bad, as I have individual conferences scheduled this week.

The community college, on the other hand…I’m feeling woefully underprepared, and I’m being observed at 4:30. Sigh.

I am glad, though, to be in a place with lights and heat.

This sucks so much. But at the same time, I know it’s stupid to be all “wah wah wah poor me” with so many others in worse situations than I am.

But I want to blow dry my hair. And do laundry. And cook food. (oh lord, how I wish I had a gas stove…) I want to watch TV.  And all those millions of other things that I take for granted every single day.

I’m tired of going out and hoping the power will be back on when I come home.

God, I’m crabby.

Hope the rest of you are doing better!


I am in one, big time.

I’m feeling without direction. I’m feeling torn.

I’m feeling like I don’t want to choose a career path so much as I want one to be chosen for me.

I’m feeling less and less optimistic about my hopes of ever getting a full-time teaching job in Western New York.

I’m feeling envious of people who are having success in writing.

I’m feeling lethargic about my own writing. I’m feeling void of ideas…good ideas, anyway. I can’t convince myself that I have anything to say that’s worth saying.

I’m feeling tired. Tired of working so hard and just scraping by.


ETA: Chatting with a friend, and beginning to feel much less funk-y. Thanks!

Stuff I want

Someone might have a birthday coming up soon… 😉

I know there are at least one or two people reading who might want to commemorate this occasion with the traditional giving of gifts. Heehee…
There’s always, of course, my wish list. (although the thing I really want is the Alias seasons 1-5 gift set…going for a VERY reasonable price, given the cost of the single-season DVD sets…and it isn’t available yet. so that’s more of a Christmas gift, I think.)

I need to spend some time on the wish list…it’s been seriously diminished.

Apple just released this very cool mouse. But it’s kind of expensive. And I still don’t have an iPod. But those are really expensive.

And there’s always fun Toasted Cheese merchandise.

I’ve been thinking of looking for new calligraphy pens, but I don’t know what I want/need. I’d probably have to shop for them myself, unfortunately.

I can’t think of anything else right now…

Friday things

Went to see Brian’s Subversations at Squeaky Wheel last night. It was most excellent.

Here’s a review posted at Infringe THIS!

And wait! There’s more! Brian’s got another entry in the festival, this one a musical venture. He’ll be performing again tonight at Squeaky Wheel.  Read more about it here.

David at Fix Buffalo sends a heads up about the Pine Grill Jazz Reunion, taking place this Sunday and next in MLK Park…4-9pm… Read more.

In personal news, I’ve just been offered some adjunct work at another college. I also had an interview with a local school district earlier this week, which I should hear about either way by Monday.

Someone is weed-whacking outside the apartment window, and it’s driving me insane.

Ummm….tomorrow, Lowest of the Low plays the Canal Concert Series in North Tonawanda. It starts at 5:30, but there are *three* bands playing before the Low.

I’m gonna go try and be productive or something. Happy Friday! 🙂

The in-crowd (a repost)

This was in the database backup that I couldn’t successfully restore. Brian’s post from yesterday made me want to find it.
I do a lot of subbing at the high school and middle school level. I watch the kids, and it”s pretty easy to see the social stratifications they fall into. Who the “cool” kids are. Who the loners are. Who the nerds are.

For me, this started to happen in 5th grade. I had been friends with the same group of girls from about second grade on. I also had a tenuous relationship with a girl my age, G, who lived down the street from me. Our mothers worked together and were friends. For some reason, G and I were in constant competition. Usually, I felt like an unwilling participant in these competitions. I’d been selected for the gifted program when I was in first grade, and I think G (who wasn’t) felt like she had to beat me in other ways. I liked to draw, so G wanted to draw, too. Things like that.

In 5th grade, G decided that the way to beat me was by excluding me. There was a girl named Diana who lived up the street from us.  G decided that Diana was her best friend. One day, we were walking home from school, and G was going on and on and on about Diana”s birthday, which was coming up. She said that her mom was going to bake  cupcakes, that a group of girls were going to come into school early to decorate Diana’s locker and celebrate. I assumed that this included me…she wouldn’t be talking to me about it if I wasn”t a part of it, right? Wrong.

Just to make sure there was no mistake, G turned to me and said, “And don’t even think about coming, because you”re not invited.”

Ouch. I was speechless. It was all I could do to make it home without crying. And I tried to pretend it didn”t hurt…that I didn”t care. But it did hurt, and I did care. Later, there was a Christmas party at one girl’s house…a select group was invited, they exchanged names and gave each other gifts. It was kept a secret from me, until after, of course. I didn”t understand what was happening. These people were supposed to be my friends. Was there something wrong with me? I wish I could say it ended there. That I moved on, found new friends and had little to do with G and her crew. I almost did…but on the first day of 6th grade, G declared that I was invited to sit at her table in the cafeteria. I was “in”. G found other people to exclude, and I was more or less left alone. There were times when she got jealous…when I started to get close with Jennifer, for example. She didn’t want me having anything she didn’t have. She didn”t want anyone having anything she didn’t have.

I know now that G was incredibly insecure. Maybe even more insecure than me. One year, when we were going to the prom, I overheard G’s mother tell her that she looked beautiful. “Much prettier than T.” (her cousin) I haven’t exactly kept in touch with G. I went to her wedding. I run into her every now and then. I know she’s probably forgotten all of this.

I’ve grown up. I’ve gotten on with my life, and I don’t hold any grudges. But I’ll never forget. I see girls like me, and I want to tell them that it’ll be all right. That even though it seems like G is the center of the universe, she’s not.